Wednesday, August 01, 2007

The Race for the Barn.

Late on Tuesday nite, the debate raged on what to do about Nicholson’s engine, leaking water into #2 cylinder. Final decision, put a bunch of stopleak in the radiator, run it around a bit, and then drive it home, concensus was that it would probably make it, although it might be on 3 cylinders.

Wednesday morning, we got up at oh-dark-thirty, quicky breakfast and on the road, Nicholson’s car doing okay, adding a little water now and then, the Alumaseal did its job. Course, the cars are pulling out of the motel and I (bob m) hit the starter button and nothing. Either no contact in the switch or the starter has totally died, whipped out the crank and crank started and raced after the group. We had 11 cars as we wound down the Feather River Canyon, very scenic drive, but lots of trucks driven by sports car drivers. As we left the canyon, we disbursed a bit into a couple of groups, and got serious about getting home, fast food and gas and that's it, go, go, go. As we got to Sacramento, at least 3 cars opted for freeways all the way and headed out. The rest took a short stint on I5 until we could get on the river route down to the Antioch bridge, a very nice and peaceful drive after I5 through Sacramento (where are all those people going?). Fortunately, it was not real hot today, and the two groups played leapfrog all the way down the river. We arrived home about 3:30, banished the A to the garage and collapsed on the couch.

Mechanically, this tour to Pendleton has taken an unusually high toll on the cars. Buenos are on their 3rd alternator, Darryl could be tracked from Pendleton to home by following the oil trail. Nicholsons limped in with a leaking head gasket. Bill Rose has a clack, Melvin has a clunk, Ewart used up two bendixes, Meneely lost an engine in the first car and then a clutch arm and a starter in the 2nd car, Jack shed a fan blade and made a nice new hood dent.

In the minor category, John and Judy lost their speedometer, tachometer and temperature gauge and had a flat tire, even Chuck Elderton had to change a condenser by the side of the road. And I almost forgot, Will Lancaster had a flat tire. The winner of the maintenance free no trouble car prize is Ed Simpson, I want him to work on my car.

At breakfast, somebody brought up driving to Dallas in 2008 and got shouted down, it might not have been the right time to bring it up.
by bob m


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are home safe if not too sound!Marlayna

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for the "Alturas Surprise" was the icing on the cake. We all drive long distance tours differently, but you two make it a lot of fun. Now that we're home safely, I've forgotten the password to this blog, so you won't have to kill me...

Anonymous said...

Forgot about us. All the Lancaster's had was a flat tire in the parking lot in gold Beach

Will,Karla and Chris

Bob M. said...

I did forget about Will's flat tire and also John's flat tire, but that is now corrected.

M3 said...

Whoooeeee, you all sure had a passel of mechanical "challenges"... Glad everyone made it home safe and sound (I guess my folks made it home twice), and thanks to John and Judy for such great updates along the way -- you guys are awesome bloggers!!!