Wednesday, February 20, 2019


Day 6, February 20, 34 miles to Tombstone and back.    Blue sky, clear blue sky, cold blue sky, 24 degrees.  Only way to start the T was to get a few folks to push it again.   We took the road less traveled to Tombstone, my kind of road.  Interesting fact, at one time Tombstone was the largest city between St. Louis and San Francisco.  All because of a silver strike and the resultant boom,  rather short lived however.

Arrived in Tombstone just in time to see the morning stage coming down the deserted street on this cold and frosty morn.

Town seemed to be full of desperados, possibly looking to hold up the stage.

The happening place for lunch was Big Nose Kates.  Good sandwiches and good spudkickin music.

After lunch, had some street skits, with lots of shots fired.

And then vigilante justice was meted out to these two shady characters.

Finished off the day at the courthouse museum and headed back to Sierra Vista.     This evening, here is the forecast that we are looking at for Thursday and Friday. 

Conclusion,,,,,, put the T in the trailer and let's take the 4wd tomorrow.  One last thing, Pat and Linda saw this at an antique store, fortunately no room in the trailer.

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