Thursday, September 12, 2024

NWRG Meet in Redmond, OR - Day 7

 Day 7, Fourth Day of NWRG Tour in Redmond area. 73 miles.  Today, beautiful blue skies with some puffy white clouds, visibility unlimited.  We were off to the Erickson Air Museum in Madras.  This museum has quite a collection and is a warbird restoration shop to boot.  Just a couple pictures,,,

And I learned to fly in a Cub like this one,,,,

On the way back, stopped at the Crooked River Gorge bridge, which is used for bungee jumping.  Notice the three sisters peaks in the background.

One pic of the beautiful sky we had today.

Finished the day with a banquet, don't ask about that.   Tomorrow, heading for home.

Oh a fatal breakdown by Ford Ave. and home on a trailer. The members Dianna and Jack Richard are fine. 

Their car seems to have thrown a rod!


Anonymous said...

OOOh, I like the p-38. Looks like a great air museum.

Anonymous said...

How was the banquet? 🤪

Anonymous said...

What about the friggin’ banquet? Inquiring Minds want to know…

Anonymous said...

Well now I’m dying to know what happened at the banquet?