Saturday, June 25, 2011


350 miles today.  Long day, looked at lots of wheat fields, corn, potatoes, alfalfa, vineyards and then lots of trees.   Bought a new trailer tire in Spokane, this has to be a world record.  Rolled the tire out of the trailer, gave it to the tire guy, walked into the office and paid for it, came out as he was rolling it out of his shop and back to the trailer.  Total elapsed time, about 10 minutes.  Got an email from the Pedroni’s saying that they were on a Columbia River cruise on their new “riverboat”.  Well, we crossed the Columbia River twice, looked up and down and they were no where to be found.

Anyway, here are a couple pictures that we could not resist.

Question:   Do quilters drink or do drinkers quilt?  Patti ran into this store, fortunately, she came out with some cloth, not booze.



Bill and Pat may have found a new car.  By the way, somebody tell Don Cole, we saw another AA truck with express bed for sale up here in Idaho.

TDSC00097 This turkey welcomed us to Canada.



At the border, the Canadian border guard had on a bullet proof vest, and there were at least a half a dozen others milling around, also with bullet proof vests.   It looked like a swat team getting ready for a bust.   Wonder if this is standard garb now?


Anonymous said...

Hi Guys!
You're almost there! Enjoying the blog and pix. Hey, Bill & Pat,...nice find on the "T", but looks like something's missing?
-B.& M.

Anonymous said...

Glad that you made it to Canada in one piece. Can the Bratts fit that "T" in their trailer? The club has plenty of spare parts to get it running.

L & AG

Anonymous said...

We took a picture of that very same sign (Liquor/Quilting) when we passed through Ritzville Washington last summer. Great little town! They're supposed to have an incredible jazz festival there.

Barbara & Ron

Anonymous said...

We can't decide which picture we like better, you two in the rockers or the bighorn sheep!!
All is well on the street.
Mary & Al

Unknown said...

Ohhhh, I'm so envious!!! Canada must be soooo beautiful.
Your turn in the barrel for tire trouble? That's our crux. ugh!
Have a good trip and keep us all posted.

Anonymous said...

I could use a "rocking horse"

jim in pa