September 2, 2017, Eureka, CA to Los Altos Hills, CA, 319 miles.
The predicted temperatures for Northern CA were for extreme heat. Yesterday set a record in San Francisco of 105 degrees. Los Altos prediction for today was 107. This can make a guy really nervous. Words like vapor lock, overheating, heat stroke come to mind.
My tactic on a long hot day, leave early, drive hard, get in early. Patti and I got up at oh dark thirty and hit the road before sun-up. Our intention, get as far as possible before the peak temperatures of the day. Stopped once for gas and once to check the water. Little black coupe persevered and we hit this landmark at 10:30AM, temperature already tickling 100.
Got down 19th avenue in heavy traffic without overheating, although it was touch and go. Arrived home at noon. What a welcome sight. I'm beat.
The rest of the gang left after sunup, had one roadside fan belt replacement and got in about 4PM. It was a good trip, all the A's home under their own power. Thanks to Rich and Janet and David and Janet for laying it all out. Where we going next? Model A National Tour at the end of the month,,,,,
18 days
Odometer mileage: 3522 miles
Bought gas 30 times, most expensive, $3.28 in Eureka, CA, cheapest, $2.45 in Minden, NV.
Fuel burned, 200.3 gallons, works out to 17.6 mpg overall.
Day 1 temperature was 66 degrees in Los Altos, Day 18 temperature was 104 in Los Altos.
Average speed was about 40 mph, except last day was 48 mph.
Most miles in one day, 391 miles Cascade, ID to Bend, OR. Least miles in one day, repairing in Susie's garage in Wenatchee, WA.
Welcome home!!!! What a GREAT Solar Eclipse tour you all had. Enjoyed all the photos and write-ups. I bet Tippy was soo happy to see you both!
Home from the hills, the intrepid A travelers. Get a good, early start and rack up those miles. Welcome home.
J & J
Welcome home. What a wonderful trip you took and thank you for this blog.
Welcome home! What a wonderful trip! Thanks for allowing us to follow along. Looking forward to your next one.
Cannot believe the heat you're experiencing! Wow!! Hope it dips a bit for you soon.
Miss you guys! Enjoy following your trips and seeing how you're doing and getting our Wela and Bob Bob fix! xo
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