Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Advance scouts - day 4

Here is the latest email from Dave and Susan out there in Colorado.

"Well, today was the best yet! Not a lick of trouble. But first, I must confess that I forgot something yesterday. With all of Ted's issues, I forgot that late on Sunday my starter began sounding like a threshing machine. We only had to start it twice that way before I removed it at the Motel. A starter bolt was backing out, we guess because a hole was stripped. A new Bendix has cured the problem and yesterday and today were trouble free!

The weather forecast was much too pessimistic, as the day started with no clouds in sight. The trip over the top was something else, as you spend 11 miles over the tree line at 11,000 ft. We saw much wildlife and took a 1/2 mile walk at about 12,000 ft, We are now staying in Estes Park at a very neat Inn in the heart of town. We had planned to drive to the lake to see the fireworks, but have been told it will take 1-2 hrs to return. At this point, we just plan to make a hike up the hill and look at them from here.

Hope all went well with the A/C installation party and the club parade. We do miss not being able to help and attend. Off to the flatlands tomorrow. "
~Susan and Dave


Anonymous said...

Tomorrow's Coming!

Anonymous said...

Ted,Dave,Susan & Susan: We had a great parade/meeting/picnic on the 4th. Our Model T turned into a geyser. John did such a good job as president that we might just change things while you're gone.Meeting done in under an hour!Good luck, it's fun to hear adventures.We leave in am.
-Bob & Mary B.

Anonymous said...

Dad,Mom,Larry,"Uncle Billy", friends,& SCVC family: We leave in the morning. Hope to get a few miles before it warms up. SOME of us DON'T have A/C. I wish we were going the whole trip, but Austin,Nv. is a good trek and a pretty drive across 88 to 50. Plan to return next day if all o.k., but may take an extra day to relax the pace a little, or work on the car.
Bob & Mary B.

Anonymous said...

To the Scouts. Sounds like you are having a great time. Glad to hear that there hasn't been any bad problems. Have a great day 5. To the new group leaving Thrusday AM good luck on your day 1. We look forward to hearing from you DAILY. Drive safely. Hope your Spam stew turns out OK Bob B.