Mackinac Island to Mackinac City, 10 miles by catamaran, Mackinac City to Marquette, MI, 160 miles by trusty Model A. Up early, ladies went downtown for some last minute shopping, Glenn and I took a taxi up to the carriage museum. The young gal who was our cabbie had been doing this 5 weeks. Went past the Grand Hotel, what a huge edifice, when I win the lottery, I’ll come back and stay there.
And ride in their closed carriage with the beveled glass windows.
We caught the 11:00 ferry, passed this quaint old restored lighthouse on the way out of the harbour.
When we retrieved our car, the windows were all steamed up and it was sopping dripping wet inside, I think it was condensate, either that or the roof has a huge hole that I don’t know about. Fortunately the sun was out and after a few miles with the windows down, everything dried out and it didn’t leave any stains on the upholstery. Mystery yet to be solved, especially with an 80% chance of rain forecast for Monday. Lovely day for driving on the upper peninsula. Just had to grab this picture of the road and trees and blue sky with white clouds.
By the way, folks who live on the U.P. (upper peninsula) are called Youpers, folks who live in the rest of Michigan are called trolls. Depends on whether you live above the bridge or below the Mackinac Bridge, get it?? All the little restaurants on the U.P. advertise pasties, so we all had pasties for lunch. Forgot to take a picture but they were extremely tasty. Found the MAFCA convention and registered,
and also found some more SCVC members, Innamoratos, Buenos, and Christensens.
Marquette is glad to see us, our motel had this sign out front. And the light poles in the town all have Model A’s on them.
Did some carburetor maintenance, (again!!), been having restricted fuel flow at 55mph. Now have the Zenith back on. Odometer mileage to the convention now reading 3522 miles. Punched up home on the GPS and it struggled for about 5 minutes and then stated the route is too long to determine????? What are we to do?
No GPS, no problem. Just head west. When you hit water that is salty stop. (hmmm, I guess you could mistakenly end up in Salt Lake with those directions.)
I bet the car will know the way home when you leave. Don't they drop little bits everywhere so they can find their way back??!!
I love it, you are finally smarter than the GPS.
Mary B
Sounds like a trip of a life time. Just got back from LA Kelly's grad. Be safe and a positive trip back Bill
Looks like beautiful country up there. Have fun. Hey Bob if the carb is the only problem your having ( knock on wood) then your doing good.
Will and Karla
I nice side trip would be go to Tahquamenon Falls not far away.
It's a Michigan State park and the falls is very pretty because the water is copper colored from the tannin in the water.
Check it out!
Lizanne and I went there 20 years ago and we loved it.
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